Online Lessons: Product Reviews, Ratings and Buying Guides

Music, much like the universe, is vast and infinite in its variety and expression. So is the diversity of the degrees within the music education sector. Every aspiring musician or musicologist has a unique dream, and matching that dream to the appropriate music degree is crucial in setting the path to success. We are ...

Learning how to play an instrument can be a fun or dreadful experience depending on what you pick. Our guide with the easiest and hardest instruments to play is aimed at making your decision process simpler. However, if your favorite choice falls in the hard category, don’t fret. It may turn out more manageable for ...

Crossing the sonic wilderness, stepping into the unchartered realms of dark lyrical poetry offers a captivating exploration. Profound or enigmatic, lyrics often hold a world unbeknownst to casual listeners. This blog post delves into the depths of cryptic verses, unraveling the mystery shrouding the so-called 'Unholy' ...

When determining whether Spotify usage counts as screen time, it is essential to define what is meant by screen time. Traditionally, screen time is the cumulative amount of time an individual spends in front of screens, including smartphones, tablets, computers, or televisions. This measure is often used to gauge ...

Interested in learning how to play the violin but have no idea where to begin? We're here to guide you. It's true that there are countless violin classes online and choosing the right one can be a headache. With guidance, however, finding the best online violin classes becomes easy. That's what we're here to help you ...

Welcome to Prime Sound, your go-to hub for all things music. Today, we're diving deep into a musical element that's small in size but massive in impact: the musical motif. These little sequences of notes are music's unsung heroes, providing identity and cohesion to a piece, much like a memorable catchphrase defines a ...

Form in music is a critical concept encompassing a musical composition's structure and organization. It is the blueprint that dictates how the various sections of a piece are arranged and relate to the overall architecture of the music. Understanding musical form allows both composers and listeners to grasp the flow ...

"In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins is a song that’s been enshrined in the annals of music history, not merely for its haunting melody and iconic drum fill but for the raw emotional essence encapsulated in its lyrics. This song offers an intricate tapestry of emotions interwoven with a narrative that has sparked ...

Music, the universal language of emotion, speaks to us through a symphony of notes. But how fast should these notes be played? The answer lies in the composer's instructions, known as tempo markings. Let's delve into the world of tempo markings and understand their significance in musical composition and performance. ...

Creating a successful cover song involves more than just musical talent; it requires a solid understanding of the licensing process to ensure your work is legally sound. Let's break down the essential steps and considerations for legally releasing a cover song, focusing on mechanical licensing, which is crucial for ...