Guitars: Product Reviews, Ratings and Buying Guides

Humbuckers are designed to improve the sounds of an electric guitar. They ward off external noise and produce loud, warm sounds instead of the snappier tones that many single-coil pickups have, bucking the hum as it were. But why a mini? These smaller units are made to eliminate the buzz while keeping the snappier ...

The terms riff and lick frequently come to the forefront of music, particularly within genres like rock, blues, and jazz. A riff is a repeated sequence of notes or chords that serves as a song's main theme or motif. It provides a structural foundation, often heard in the intro, verse, or chorus, shaping the song's ...

You hear the music you like on the radio. You get the chords of this song to be able to play it. And there comes the drama! Like many beginners, you may still have difficulty playing barre chords, especially the F chord? In this article, you will discover several ways to play the F chord, much EASIER! You will be ...

At some point in your guitar-playing career, you are going to want or need to record yourself. One reason for this could be that you want to playback the recording and evaluate your playing prowess. This can help you pick up on mistakes that you usually miss while playing. You’ll also be able to track your journey as ...

When it comes to the heart of your bass guitar's tone, the role of the pickup is essential, and for many, the Precision Bass or P-Bass style pickup reigns supreme. The P-Bass has remained a standard in the industry, loved by bassists across genres for its rich, full, and punchy tone. Selecting the best P-Bass ...

No musical instrument has shaped the development of music as much as the guitar did. Interestingly, guitars were not invented a couple of years ago. Instead, this musical instrument has been used for many decades and shaped a greater part of music production from the ancient to the modern music industry. ...

A guitar, in its essence, is a vessel of sound, a symphony in wood and wire. At the heart of this symphony, the guitar pickup is the element that captures and translates the vibrations into electric signals. A fundamental understanding of these ingenious devices can transform how you approach your instrument, helping ...

Blues music dates back to the early 19th century when slaves in Southern America used it as the voice to express their hardships, frustration, and hard luck. They were basically songs sung by the slaves who toiled in cotton fields back then and that’s why you see many African-American singers dominating this music ...

In the world of guitar effects, the Univibe pedal stands out as a unique, innovative tool that has played a crucial role in crafting iconic music over the decades. From Jimi Hendrix's swirling tones to Robin Trower's thick, chewy sounds, the Univibe pedal has been pivotal in shaping the sonic landscape of rock and ...

When discussing the panorama of musical instruments, the banjo often finds itself in the crosshairs of a timeless debate: “Is the banjo hard to learn?” Let's deconstruct this query and give it the thorough examination it deserves, backed by both history and practical experience. Historical Context: The Banjo's ...