DJ Equipment: Product Reviews, Ratings and Buying Guides

A beginner's guide on what a DJ controller is, how it works, it's setup and how to use it. Also, check out our music mixing tips!

The intriguing world of DJing is one that often leaves people baffled. How exactly do those spinning discs translate into a sustainable, let alone lucrative, income? Today, we are here to untangle this mystery for you and present an in-depth analysis of the earnings of DJs across various avenues. How Geography ...

Having the right gear is paramount in the electrifying world of DJing, where the beats are relentless and the nights endless. One such essential is the humble USB stick. While it might seem like a simple storage device, for a DJ, it's the bridge between their curated music library and the awaiting audience. As the ...

If you want to get into DJing, you’ll need the right controller to get started. A good DJ controller is not only easy to use, but can easily sync with your software, so you don’t need to spend hours mapping the controls. Our team of researchers assessed more than 20 DJ controllers to review functionality and ...

Whether you're an aspiring DJ or just someone who loves to make music, a DJ controller is an essential device to have in your kit. Many of the top models don't come cheap, but there are some top-quality DJ controllers for affordable prices, and we're here to help you find the perfect one. We reviewed more than 20 ...

A good DJ mixer should be at the heart of any DJ setup. For many beginners, a two-channel mixer will be sufficient and there are some fantastic models on the market. Our research team assessed 15 DJ mixers to determine the functionality and performance. We’ve created a list of top picks and our editor’s choice, the ...

DJ speakers are not any speakers that you see around. These are speakers with distinctive designs for specific occasions and functions. Professional DJs know why it’s imperative not to use any speaker if they were to stand out in what they do. Delivering outstanding performance is paramount – that’s why pros will ...

If you're passionate about creating a mesmerizing symphony of beats, rhythms, and tunes or spinning records that enthral masses, then understanding the nuances of a state-of-the-art DJ setup is crucial. In the fluctuating music landscape of 2023, we bring you a comprehensive guide to your very own Ultimate DJ Setup – ...

The art of DJing is synonymous with the vibrant ebb and flow of music. DJs are known for their ability to weave together sonic threads from an array of musical influences, creating a tapestry that engages, enthralls, and uplifts audiences. Behind the scenes, DJs undergo a thorough process of sourcing, selecting, and ...

In the hands of a DJ, a calm room can quickly transform into a lively dance floor. The magic lies not just in their skill but also in the quality of their gear. DJ controllers are the powerhouse among their toolkits, merging the tactile appeal of traditional mixing with the streamlined efficiency of digital tech. ...