Guitars: Product Reviews, Ratings and Buying Guides

Embark on a journey to discover the top-rated guitar brands every musician should consider when choosing their next instrument. This comprehensive guide will delve into the history, craftsmanship, and unique features that set each brand apart, ensuring you make an informed decision for your next guitar purchase. ...

Choosing the right beginner bass guitar can truly enhance your initial learning journey. Given the diversity of brands, models, and unique features, making a well-informed decision might seem daunting for a beginner. To simplify this process, we've compiled a comprehensive buying guide, offering a detailed overview ...

There’s just something magical about picking up your first guitar and strumming it. From that moment, you feel motivated to learn everything as fast as possible. You even envision yourself on a stage or wowing your friends and family in a matter of weeks. You need to take things slowly and focus on getting it right ...

In the epoch of digital transformation, the emphasis on merging classical musical instruments with modern-day computing is more profound than ever. Let's delve into the intricacies and nuances of how and why you should establish this unique connection. The Imperative of PC-Guitar Connectivity The Modern-Day Demand ...

Guitar tunings are an essential aspect of playing the guitar. They provide a unique sound and feel to the instrument, making it more versatile and exciting. There are various guitar tunings, from standard tuning to alternate tunings, each with its own distinct sound. Guitar players often experiment with different ...

12 string guitars seem to have an element of mystery about them. Despite many legendary names including Jimmy Hendrix and John Denver preferring the 12 strings, the majority of guitar players who favor the classic 6 string, do not appreciate the 12 string as an option to enhance their guitar sound. This article ...

Acoustic guitars are instruments which produce sound acoustically by transmitting the vibration of the string to the air using a hollowed body as a resonating chamber, and obviously it takes a lot of practice and hard work to get good at playing these instruments. This is especially true for left handed players who ...

You hear the music you like on the radio. You get the chords of this song to be able to play it. And there comes the drama! Like many beginners, you may still have difficulty playing barre chords, especially the F chord? In this article, you will discover several ways to play the F chord, much EASIER! You will be ...

Have any budding guitarists ever wondered how many chords you can play on a guitar? By now, if you have been into a few lessons, you would have learned that the guitar is the most versatile instrument. It has six strings and 20 frets, and these chords are the foundation of all music, whether it be pop, rock, jazz, ...

Venturing into the vast landscape of music, particularly the realm of stringed instruments, often brings one to the crossroads of choosing between the guitar and the bass. For those standing on the brink of this critical decision, the question typically echoes – which instrument is easier to start with? In an endeavor ...