Ukuleles: Product Reviews, Ratings and Buying Guides

The decision to choose a A musical instrument is a device created or adapted to make musical sounds. In principle, any object that produces sound can be considered a musical instrument—it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument. A person who plays a musical instrument is known as an ...

A uke can be a fantastic travel companion. Whether you’re camping or heading out for an adventure, having a uke with you can allow you to entertain friends, enjoy some great tunes or just keep yourself company on your solo adventures. The best travel ukulele not only provides fantastic sound quality and tone, but is ...

Everybody changes their ukulele strings at different times. It really depends on how much you play. If you play a lot, you should change your strings every 4-6 weeks. If you barely pick up your ukulele, you can get away with waiting four months. This guide will teach you how to change ukulele strings so your ...

Perhaps you’re searching for the best ukulele under $200 to lower your stress levels, boost your hand and eye coordination, or play for enjoyment. While you can eat balanced diets, sleep, or exercise to improve your health, the truth is, a ukulele can also boost both your physical and mental health. They're great for ...

Donner Musical Instrument is an international company that makes different types of high-quality and affordable ukuleles out of China. They're best represented with the DUC-1 Concert Soprano Ukulele Mahogany. I'll say right up front that I really like this Ukulele. Permit me to go over the details of it and tell ...

Did you know that the ukulele belongs to the lute family of instruments? Learning how to play it is also easy, which explains the popularity of this instrument in recent years. You ought to know how to choose a ukulele if you are looking to own one or gift it to someone with a keen interest in the same. Many factors ...

The ukulele originated in Europe in the 18th century. And today, most artists are gravitating towards the ultra-portable and musical tone of this instrument. Major artists such as Eddie Vedder and Paul McCartney have adopted the ukulele, giving it profound respect. With only four nylon strings, these instruments are ...

The guitalele may be an unfamiliar instrument to many—regardless of your musical background. A guitalele is a six-string mix that is about a quarter of the size of a classical guitar. It is an effective hybrid between a guitar and a ukulele that sounds as if a capo was on the fifth fret of a guitar. This instrument ...

Do you love ukuleles? I hope so – because this article is all about helping you to find a high-quality, playable, and durable ukulele under $500 – and there’s no reason to sacrifice great sound either. There’s an overwhelming choice when it comes to ukes, and we’re going to make it easier for you to find the right one ...

Ukuleles have been around since 1880, and though their use began to decline in the 1970s, these instruments have been gaining popularity again in recent years. This is likely due to the fact that they are smaller and easier to learn than their larger guitar cousins. What is more, baritone ukes produce the incomparable ...