Pedals: Product Reviews, Ratings and Buying Guides

Bass octave pedals, a type of guitar effect pedals, are designed to produce a tone that is one octave above or below the original tone. Many modern octave pedals give an even wider tone range, generating a tone that's either two or three octaves higher or lower than the tone you're playing. The best bass octave pedals ...

An EQ pedal is the perfect way to fine-tune and boost your sound as well as eliminate feedback. It gives you the ability to tweak lows, mids, and highs, so your guitar has a more consistent sound, no matter where you’re playing. If you’re looking for the best EQ pedal for you, you’re in the right place. To put ...

Whether you’re a singer or a guitarist, or both – finding the best harmonizer pedal can often be a bit hit and miss. With so many vocal harmonizer pedal options on the market, the task can seem daunting. However, searching for the right vocal harmony pedal is worthwhile. Today’s intelligent harmonizers can add depth ...

A volume pedal is relatively simple – it increases the output of your guitar when you press down, and decreases your sound when you let up. But that basic function is essential if you want to have complete control over the dynamics of your sound. We reviewed tens of volume pedals and narrowed them down to our ...

It is only natural that you will want your guitar to stand out from the rest of the instruments of your band with a clean boost. To do that, you need to find the best boost pedal. While other types of pedals can take the limelight, the boost pedal is an underrated star. Adding more power to the signal without any ...

Once you get good at playing the electric guitar, it’s only right that you explore different sounds, and a wah pedal can help you do that. The tool in question can be used to change the tone and or frequency of a particular song. Our team has already reviewed more than 20 products, and in the spirit of bringing you ...

Musicians are always looking for exploring new musical sounds to experiment and make the music they create more vibrant and creative. In the last fifty years, effects pedals have been increasingly used as a way of musicians manually controlling the effects through their feet. Pedals are most commonly used by ...

Are you looking for something to elevate and enhance the sounds and riffs from your guitar? Then look no further because you can achieve that with the best whammy pedal! Many guitarists are always on the prowl to find ways to alter the sounds of their riffs. What many famous musicians and bands have figured out, ...