NS-1X + Gigrig G3 R...
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NS-1X + Gigrig G3 Routing

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Hey guys happy new year. Hoping someone could help me incorporate a Boss NS-1X with a gigrig G3. Would like to use in the front of my amp and fx loop (which is in loop 7 of G3). Would I go NS-1X Input & Send to Loop 1 in G3, then Return & Out of NS-1X to loop 8?

Thanks again all.

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It's quite interesting that you're asking about integrating the Boss NS-1X Noise Suppressor into the GigRig G3 in your guitar setup. The Boss NS-1X, known for its effective noise suppression capabilities, fits best in front of your amp or the FX loop regarding placement.

Given your specific arrangement, where you plan to use the FX loop in Loop 7 of the G3, your proposed connection sounds very nearly in the right place, but you would want to make a small modification.

  1. Front of the Amp: Plug your guitar into the NS-1X's input. From NS-1X's output, go into Loop 1 of the G3. This configuration lets the NS-1X process the signal at the beginning so that noise is reduced before reaching any other pedals or the preamp section in your amplifier.

  2. FX Loop: If you're using FX Loop 7 on the G3, the best choice for connecting the send of Loop 7 to the input of NS-1X and then from the NS-1X out to the return of Loop 7. This will allow the NS-1X to process any noise that the prior loops or the amp's preamp can introduce into the thing.

  3. NS-1X's Send and Return: Your setup doesn't use these. The send and return jacks of NS-1X are typically employed to form a noise-suppression loop compartmentalizing specific pedals. But since you're using the G3 for loop switching, you don't need this feature of the NS-1X.

  4. Consideration for Loop 8: Your mention of Loop 8 is unclear. If you plan to use Loop 8 for other effects, ensure that the NS-1X is placed before noisy pedals or in the amp's FX loop as described to manage noise effectively.

Please remember: the effectiveness of noise suppression may be determined greatly by where you put the NS-1X relative to the locations of your other pedals and the noise sources in your signal chain. Try different positions until you can demonstrate established experience and whether a different response is required to obtain the best results.

Ryan Blaha
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The NS-1X is a fantastic noise suppressor. Just be careful not to set the Threshold too high, or you might start to choke off your tone. I usually keep it around 3 or 4 and adjust the Decay to taste.

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Recently ran in to this same scenario and this image helped to figure out how to properly route the ns1x
