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RME UFX III + MADI FX - can I connect them?

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Hi folks - wondering if anyone in this forum has any experience using an RME MADI or MADI FX alongside the UFX III for added analog i/o. I've been using a MADI FX card on my PC with an Antelope Goliath for a few years now, the RME card providing the rock solid driver stability and insane digital i/o and the Goliath connected via MADI as a swiss army knife AD/DA converter, mic pre-amp, guitar DI box, digital conversion box, etc.

Sadly, as seems to be the case with many Antelope Audio products, the Goliath crapped out recently - just walked into the studio one day and it was dead. Trying to resolve the situation right now with Antelope Audio, but since it is a discontinued product (another gripe is how quickly they discontinued their Goliath line and moved on - software support is sure to die out at some point) I don't have much hope.

I was considering picking up a UFX III to replace the Goliath, as it covers many of the same bases, and I honestly don't feel like giving Antelope Audio any more of my money after this episode. Ultimately my question is - does anyone have experience with the UFX III used this way? Basically as a floating AD/DA converter / mic and guitar pre-amp? I know they have other mic ad/da converters but I like flexibility of the UFX III being an interface in an of itself, allowing me to use it separately if I need to go mobile at any point. I'm also curious about the double MADI i/o in the UFX III, but it seems they aren't usable at the same time? Only for expansion purposes? Anyhoo, hopefully anyone out there with some experience with these units can chime in with some info! Thanks so much!

Nathan Oneal
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You can split the 64-channels of MADI into 32 per port for more routing flexibility. That's all it is, really.
I haven't used specifically this setup but the MADI outs of my UFX work just as you'd expect, it'll work fine for what you need it to do. Big difference is 4 mic pres vs the Antelope's 16- is that an issue? If it is I'd go with the 12Mic...

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It's fine, and I can always add a patchbay to the setup for some extra flexibility with the pres. Thank you for the insight!

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Do you need the specific mix inputs etc of the UFX? If you’re going to keep the MADI then you could get 16io line in and line out with a Ferrofish Pulse MX (zero mic pres) rather than another RME.
