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Recommendations needed: leaving band and requesting sound equipment back

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Recommendations needed as I am leaving my band. I have my own wireless systems that the band has rack mounted. I’m working on either compensation or having the equipment returned. Thinking of a worst case scenario, what can I do if the band doesn’t compensate or return equipment? All equipment was purchased by myself.
Thanks in advance!

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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 4

Excellent question. Do you think your (ex) bandmates are somewhat fair and honest people, or are they likely to pretend they own your gear? Or will they dodge, weave and wait for you to give up? Have you communicated with them?
If you have to take some action against them, I hope you have proof of purchase and serial numbers for the items (if your gear has serial numbers).
Or maybe you just need to show up with some muscle… there are so many possible scenarios, depending on what kind of people you are dealing with.
